Not every business person likes to do business. Astrid van Gool loves it, but her target audience do not share this passion. That insight lies at the core of the online marketing strategy she is working on with us. The last few years, her company BeautyBrands grew with us – they grew even faster than we did. More products, more brands, more services, more employees: “My head is full of ideas, 24 hours a day.”
Astrid is co-owner and Marketing Manager of BeautyBrands, which sells hair products of salon-quality. She knows her target audience of salon owners inside-out, and, contrary to her competitors, she regularly visits them in person. Working on the front-house, as she likes to call it, is her forte. For the back-end she sought reinforcement from our founder and growth marketeer Diederik Gerbranda.
Structure in Chaos
Astrid is actually not very aware of our Framework methodology, but it does really benefit her: “My entire head is full of ideas, 24 hours a day. With this method, Diederik adds structure. I follow that very organically. It is a nice combination – we are practical and creatively driven, you have the technical knowledge and structure. It is an extremely successful collaboration for both parties.”
Always checking in on the funnel
During campaigns Astrid and her team are able to see how things are going on a daily basis. Next to that, we check in with each other during our bi-weekly Huddle. We measure campaigns and make new plans for the future.
“Do not outsource content.”
BeautyBrands has grown nicely during the last few years. For that, we built six websites for (product)brands already. To provide all target audiences with suitable emails based on their interests and behavior, we use ActiveCampaign for consumers and HubSpot for salon owners.
During the third phase of our Framework, Lead Generation, BeautyBrands conducts the campaign, together with our guidance. “I am very reluctant to outsource to marketeers”, says Astrid. “Because I am the one who knows the customer. It is very easy to pick out the companies that outsource their content. That content is too commercial and does not appeal to the hairdresser as a craftsman. By now, you know the tone I am looking for as well, but we still prefer to write our texts ourselves.”
A good relationship means long-term success
Astrid can see many similarities in her relation with her customers and her relation with us. “When I am successful, SUM Digital is too. When the hairdresser is, so am I. Marketing is building relations. With them you can build up long-term success and then it will start to cost less and less energy.”
Diederik: ‘Astrid is a strong believer in equality. This makes her a pleasant customer with whom we can brainstorm very well.

SUM Growth Playbook
Growth ambitions but not knowing where to start or your growth activities don’t bring in the results you want? Don’t look further, this Playbook will give you the tools you need.