As human beings, we encounter stories every day. We create them, listen to them and seek them out for comfort - and this does not only apply to the most obvious examples like books or television. Storytelling impacts our daily lives in profound ways because that’s how our brains are naturally wired to process information.
Why is this? Organizing complex ideas into digestible chunks with a clear structure is serving a purpose - our survival instinct. It helps us understand and remember information more effectively and has historically allowed us to pass down knowledge and maintain connections across generations.
All good advertisers know that when it comes to engaging and captivating the human mind, story is the most powerful tool available.
If you’re not leveraging the immense power of story in your marketing, maybe it’s time to start. But where do you begin when it comes to reshaping your brand image and crafting a compelling narrative for your marketing message? And how do you implement storytelling in a way that drives real impact for your business?
Good news! You don’t have to figure this out all on your own. In this blog, we’ll introduce you to a methodology developed specifically to answer these questions - a 7-part framework called StoryBrand.
What is StoryBrand?
It is no coincidence that before the American author and speaker Donald Miller developed StoryBrand, he worked in publishing. His experience with book- and scriptwriting and the study of hundreds of novels, films and plays helped him formulate a framework with 7 basic plot points - a framework every successful story obeys.
This formula, built on the principles of ancient storytelling, also turned out to be applicable in the world of business marketing. The paradigm shift Miller proposed was nothing short of revolutionary.
What was so remarkable about his idea?
Miller became convinced that millions are wasted on marketing every year because most companies don’t explain their message clearly and compellingly, resulting in it being lost in the advertising noise. Moreover, he noticed that most companies make the mistake of positioning themselves as the hero.
This is wrong. According to the StoryBrand framework, the customer needs to be the hero in your story - it is all about them and how their life transforms when engaging with your brand. This transformation needs to be clearly articulated. Otherwise, we risk them losing attention. Our message will get lost in the noise of countless marketing slogans we are all surrounded with every day.
How to maintain relevance and stand out among competitors? The answer is simple - we need to place our customers in a story that will take them somewhere. When our message is clear enough, customers will respond.
The 7-point framework
The storytelling formula conceptualised by Miller, present in almost every book or film narrative, is this:
“A character with a problem meets a guide who understands them, gives them a plan and calls them to action which helps them avoid failure and ends in success.”
Sounds complicated? Let’s break it down.
The key words here are character, problem, guide, plan, action, failure, and success.
A character
A character is someone we can also call the hero. Companies often position themselves as the hero, simply by enumerating their strengths and why they are the best on the market. Of course, this makes sense, and as business owners, we are naturally inclined to do this. However, it does little to actually lead the customer into our story and invite them to identify with your brand.
When you position the customer as the hero in your story, you also need to ask yourself: who is your customer? What do they want? How is their desire connected to a basic survival need - is it about saving resources, such as time or money? How can choosing your company help them achieve this?
With a problem
You’ve probably already heard of the saying: don’t sell the solution, sell the problem. The character or hero in your story has a problem. By not being afraid to articulate it, you create a sense of urgency, leading to further identification with your brand.
There are several kinds of problems your customer can be facing:
- Villain: Every good story has an antagonist - who (or what) is the villain in yours? It can be an abstract concept, like chaos, poor management or wasted time.
- External: How would you best describe the issue your customer needs to solve? Think about what words they usually search for before visiting your website.
- Internal: How does this issue make them feel? Are they frustrated, lacking motivation, or overwhelmed?
- Philosophical: Why shouldn't the customer feel this way? Why is this just "plain wrong"?
Meets a guide
The hero can’t tackle the problem alone - that’s when the guide comes in. In this story, the guide is your company, demonstrating empathy and authority needed to solve the customer’s problem.
You must not only show that you understand the problem (by using compassionate language), but also prove that you are capable of providing a solution - by showing accreditations, metrics, client testimonials on your website. Together, empathy and authority will work to create trust in your company.
Who gives them a plan
If the hero wants to move forward, they need a plan - a simple roadmap which facilitates their journey towards success. StoryBrand recommends using a 3-step framework to break down the process of engaging with your company. For example, the plan for a software company offering project management solutions could look like this:
- Schedule a demo.
- Onboard your team.
- Optimize your projects.
And calls them to action
The plan must include a clear and straightforward call to action. The CTA can be direct, such as:
- Book a consultation
- Request a quote
- Start now
and transitional, such as:
- Download a free PDF
- Sign up for our newsletter
- Attend the free webinar
In order to generate meaningful leads, both should be present in your marketing strategy.
Which helps them avoid failure
A story loses its grip on the audience when nothing is at stake. Imagine Cinderella didn’t have to race against the clock to be home by midnight, or if Batman wasn’t fighting to save Gotham City from destruction and chaos. Without stakes, the tension vanishes, and the story falls flat.
The same principle applies to your marketing. To create a compelling narrative, you must clearly show your customers what’s at risk if they don’t take action. How will working with your company as their guide help them avoid failure? While many companies shy away from highlighting negative consequences, the truth is, failure can be a powerful motivator. By articulating what’s at stake, you tap into your customers’ desire to avoid loss, positioning your brand as the solution to their challenges.
And ends in success
After outlining the potential failure, your story must end in success. Paint a vivid picture of how your customer’s life will be transformed after engaging with your brand. This transformation is rooted in the hero’s aspirational identity. Who were they at the beginning of the story? Who have they become with your company’s guidance?
How can you best articulate this transformation in your marketing materials, making the story not only inspirational but relatable?
The BrandScript
Now that you’ve explored all seven points of the framework, you’re likely intrigued and eager to apply the StoryBrand principles to your business. But getting started can feel overwhelming - especially when it means changing your marketing strategy to a storycentric mode practically overnight.
That’s where we come in. Schedule a call with our Growth Strategist, Arjen Schipper, who will guide you step by step through the process. Together, you’ll craft a customized BrandScript and uncover fresh insights about your business.

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