
How to develop a Growth Marketing Strategy

Written by Diederik Gerbranda | 6 February 2025

A solid growth marketing strategy is the foundation for taking your business to new heights. It uses your business goals and turns them into a workable plan for growth. Too often do we see clients who are ready to grow, energetic and excited, but are held back by the lack of a solid strategy. This strategy is your guide throughout the process and will make short work of chaos along the way. We know, because we experience this every day.

Even though it takes some time compiling a growth marketing strategy, this is never wasted. The time you use creating it, will be paid back twice over in the long run. Your growth strategy will be a live document, which can be changed, adjusted and improved, as your business evolves as well. Therefore, it is even more important that the foundation is perfect.

You want to grow, and you want to grow steadily and consistently. With a growth marketing strategy, you will plan this and make growth possible. But how do you go about setting up a growth marketing strategy? Where do you start, what should be included, and how can you make sure that it works and sticks?

What is a growth marketing strategy?

A growth marketing strategy is the blueprint for all the marketing work you will carry out to achieve growth for your business. It contains detailed information about your current situation and your end goals, it lists all the steps in between in chronological order, including ways to measure them and all their deadlines.

Creating a strategy is the first step towards carrying out a complete growth marketing plan. It can be adjusted along the way, but it needs to be solid at its core. That is why we will explain how you can develop your own growth marketing strategy. With this, you can initiate lasting growth for your business.

The first step towards growth

At SUM Digital, we put a lot of effort into creating the best possible growth marketing strategy for our clients. This is the first step towards growth and the foundation for its success. When they come to us, our clients have ambitious business goals and visions, but they lack organization. It is the growth marketing strategy which will turn this bucket full of goals into a structured plan for growth.

That is why it is important that your growth marketing strategy is custom-made and aligned with your company’s vision. In order to create it, you first have to analyze data and with those, the current state of your business is mapped out. Secondly, based on your findings, you create a structure that enables you to meet these goals in order. Finally, you add the other steps to your growth strategy to create a full marketing plan. We will discuss these three steps in more detail below.

Create a growth marketing strategy in 3 steps

It is time to get moving and to create a growth marketing strategy for your business. Let’s take a look at what these three steps discussed earlier cover exactly.

1. Collect data and create insights

It does not matter what your company does or what you want to achieve, every strategy starts with an honest assessment of your current status. You collect data from the previous years and analyze them. Based on these insights, you set up your own markers of performance - KPIs - which can be measured and compared to data from before you started your growth journey.

2. Set up a structure

You continue by awarding each KPI with an urgency score, a time it takes to complete, and also a level of impact. It is the high impact and high urgency projects that will make the biggest difference. At the same time, it is also important to schedule in a few quick fix projects, as they can be completed fast and catalyze further growth.

Naturally, you will add a chronological structure to this, as some projects cannot be started before others are completed. There is a logical order which you will need to find and follow.

3. Create your strategy, the SUM way

You now have a structure of KPIs and their objectives are measurable and based on past data. They are ranked them in terms of urgency, time needed to complete, impact and chronology. Now it is time to create your strategy, which contains all the elements of your entire growth plan. Your strategy lists the steps you will take to achieve the goals you created earlier, and with it the growth you are looking for.

At SUM, we split these into four phases, namely:

  • Strategy & insights: this is what we discussed so far in this article.
  • Fundamentals: we optimize your sales and marketing pipelines and refine your content strategy even further.
  • Lead generation: your set-up is ready for receiving more valuable leads. That means we will start attracting high-intent traffic with a higher conversion rate.
  • Optimization: as everything is up and running, it is time to optimize. We set up marketing automation, we run A/B tests and make sure that your growth is not only initiated, but that it also lasts.

Let us turn your business goals into workable strategies

With this information, you are ready to go it alone and create your own growth marketing strategy. But why not let the experts do this for you? At SUM, we get things done. We create a custom plan for you and guide you through the steps towards growth. Our growth team has what it takes to manage your journey from start to finish, so you can focus on leading your business.

Not only will this be a lot easier and less time-consuming for you, we also have the knowledge and experience to make it a success. Schedule a free Discovery Call so we can show you how we will take your business on its customized journey to continuous growth.